Tinker Hatfield...You can't be serious!
如果提到球鞋界的Holy Grail
那就非NIKE在1985年首度推出的Air Jordan系列莫屬了
...the Air Jordan captured a mix of design, marketing, athleticism and player charisma that hadn't been seen before in the industry -- everyone wanted to "Be Like Mike"
在今年二月即將推出編號第23代的Air Jordan XX3
Air Jordan XX3可能將會是這個傳奇球鞋系列的grand finale...
Air Jordan XX3成為所有球鞋發燒友最引頸期盼的鞋款
就連我這個自AJ XIX之後就對該系列設計從失望轉為憤怒的收藏界逃兵
去年11月流出的Air Jordan XX3間諜照(左)及熱心鞋友用Photoshop繪製的細節重現版本(右)
"You gotta be kidding me!"
整雙Air Jordan XX3的鞋側線條及主要的鞋帶配置、鞋面分割比例
實在像極了十年前那雙前輩鞋款...Air Jordan XIII
足以讓他成為幫Air Jordan系列劃下句點的偉大作品
I just don't get it...
或許是Tinker Hatfield在交出他一手打造的AJ系列設計權多年後
(AJ XX3由Tinker Hatfield和Mark Smith聯手設計, 但設計方向是由Tinker定調)
並兼顧"sustainability"此一不僅流行還"politically correct"語言的鞋款
在Air Jordan XX3上
我看不到過去Air Jordan系列永遠走在市場前端的設計宣言
那種無顧普世審美及價值觀...大聲喊出"I'm what I'm"的桀傲不馴
在"you either love me or hate me...I couldn't care less"的態度下
Air Jordan系列永遠是在充滿爭議的同時也製造了許多讓鞋迷辯論不休的話題
你可以將這個問題丟給任何一位對Air Jordan鞋有所認識的人...
"請選出你心中最美和最醜的五雙Air Jordan"
Air Jordan系列永遠會在某個時間點突然進入你的視線中、闖入你的生活中
我愛極了從推出之後就飽受批評的AJ XV
卻恨透了被推崇為球鞋設計經典之作的AJ II
我想盡辦法想要弄到一雙被所有親友嫌惡的AJ XI
卻對明顯想要擷取AJ XI設計語彙進一步發展的AJ XVI不屑一顧
我在25歲以前始終想不透為何有這麼多人想要擁有一雙AJ IV
卻在去年花了一整年想要在eBay上標到一雙AJ Retro IV "Mars Blackmon"
但能跟著我一起回到美國的不是我當初用盡各種資源入手的AJ VII "Olympic Edition"
而是我在距今約十年前不費吹灰之力入手、也鮮少落地的AJ I...
包含Tinker Hatfield在內的四位Jordan Brand大老
也公佈了Air Jordan XX3的配色、發售時間表以及售價
Left : White/Titanium/University Blue; Middle : White/Black/Varsity Red; Right : Black/Varsity/Stealth
(White/Titanium/University Blue為只限23間店家販售的限量版本、White/Black/Varsity Red則為明星賽限定版)
也讓Air Jordan XX3的揭幕少了點戲劇化的張力...
而鞋迷最關心的問題..."究竟這是不是Air Jordan系列的告別作?"
"You'll just have to wait and see,"
就連Michael Jordan本人也不願輕易鬆口...
至於Tinker Hatfield在記者會上一再強調的"handcraftsmanship"
在Air Jordan XX3正式上架、有機會將它拿在手上細細端詳前
按照Tinker的說法, AJ XX3的細部設計靈感來自於高級訂製鞋、手工雪茄盒以及Jordan新購買的Ferrari座車的皮製內裝
"Our goal was to make the Air Jordan XX3 the best basketball shoe ever, both in performance and sustainability. The handcraftsmanship and innovation built into this shoe is simply unmatched," Hatfield說道, "By infusing the ultimate in technology, setting a new trend in style and designing a shoe with the environment in mind, we hope these ingredients will cause people to say this is one of their favorite Air Jordan's ever."
我知道過去強調靈感來自Ferrari 550 M(AJ XIV)、Lockheed-Martin F22 Raptor(AJ XX2)、
P-51 Mustang(AJ V)和X-15 fighter(AJ XV)、甚至是爵士音樂(AJ XVII)的說法也沒有多高明
但是至少比起Air Jordan XX3的設計精髓所在具體且容易聯想...
竟然成了Air Jordan XX3最大賣點(唯一賣點?)?
但是對於期待Air Jordan系列的最新鞋款能對沈寂許久的球鞋設計界帶來衝擊的我
...an inconvenient truth
AIR JORDAN XX3 Technical Components
Nike Considered :
• AIR JORDAN XX3 is the first basketball shoe in Nike's history to be designed according to Nike Considered ethos.
• The design of the AIR JORDAN XX3 minimizes waste and use of solvent based cements.
• Automotive quality painting process on the backside of the Thermo Plastic Urethane (TPU) chassis is completed by an efficient robot arm to maximize the quality, consistency and durability of the paint and component.
• Outsole uses environmentally preferred rubber that reduces toxics and incorporates Nike Grind material from footwear outsole manufacturing waste.
• The construction of the shoe emphasizes the use of environmentally preferred materials.
Upper :
• A newly engineered, patent-pending, stitching machine stitches the upper in 3-D form.
• Dual density sock liner.
• Internal dual density slow recovery foam around the heel conforms to foot shapes to create a more custom fit.
• One shot compression molded phylon midsole.
• Full length sleek internal bootie maximizes comfort while complimenting the sleek profile.
• Nu-foam collar/tongue lining package for sleek low profile comfort.
• New quilted pattern molded sock liner that provides quality arch support.provides quality arch support.
• Reinforced quarter panels to form and hold the exact shape of the last to provide the best fit possible.
• Breathable tongue allows air to escape helping to keep the foot cooler.
• The upper is bladder pressed on the last two times during the construction to form the upper shape exactly to the last shape.
Midsole / Outsole :
• Full length Zoom Airsole unit for superior cushioning.
• Carbon fiber/acrylic weave shank plate adds structure and support in key areas.
• High performance TPU chassis built for stability and support.
• Light weight - 15 ounces.
• One of the lowest midsole profile thickness made for a basketball shoe (19mms in the heel and 9mms in the forefoot) allowing for players to be as close to the ground as possible and feel the court.
• The shank plate is inserted into the TPU chassis mold and the TPU is directly shot over the entire plate. This process is the most efficient for production because it enhances durability, reduces waste, and minimizes our solvent cement usage. It is a new innovation for performance footwear.
• Advanced cushioning system contains a low profile IPS system with a large pillar in the heel combined with a low profile modified IPS in the forefoot.
AIR JORDAN XX3 Unique Design Features :
• An imprint of Michael Jordan's finger print traction pattern on outsole.
• Precise stitching to reveal external heel moccasin stitch.
• Michael Jordan signature on toe cap.
• High performance TPU chassis.
• Michael Jordan thumbprint on back of tongue lining.
• Handcrafted MJ stitch pattern offers beautiful detailing and function.