[翻譯]Joe Girardi apparent leader in race for Yanks' manager
Joe Girardi apparent leader in race for Yanks' manager
Published : October 28th 2007 / New York Daily News
The Yankees apparently have reached a decision on a new manager, which they are prepared to announce Sunday or Monday, and there were increasing signs Saturday night pointing to Joe Girardi.
看來洋基球團已經就新總教練人選達成了共識, 並且準備在週日或是週一正式對外宣佈, 而從昨晚顯示出的蛛絲馬跡看起來, 他們的選擇極有可能是Joe Gorardi。
As has been stated by Yankee ownership, GM Brian Cashman is the one who will make the recommendation to ownership based on his interviews with all three candidates - Girardi, Don Mattingly and Tony Peña - along with advice from all his baseball people.
就像球團高層之前所說, 總經理Brian Cashman將負責統合球隊中專業人士的意見以及和三位候選人的面試結果, 然後把建議人選提報給球團高層。
The recommendation then would need to be given final approval by the Steinbrenner family.
While nobody in the Yankee high command was prepared to speculate on Cashman's favorite, sources familiar with the GM's thinking pointed out that Girardi had all the characteristics - an analytical approach, organizational skills that come from having already managed (the Florida Marlins) and a proven ability to handle a pitching staff - Cashman is thought to be looking for.
儘管球團高層都不想對Cashman所偏愛的人選做出臆測, 一個親近Cashman的消息人士卻指出, Girardi完全符合Cashman心中對洋基最佳總教練人選的想像, 善於分析、已經透過之前執教經驗而證明的管理能力、以及同樣得到證實的投手調度能力, 全都是Cashman夢寐以求的總教練特質。
In addition, one source told the Daily News last night that "in no way would politics enter into Brian's decision" - an indication the Yankees are not concerned about a potential public-relations hit if the popular Mattingly did not get the job.
除此之外, 更有消息來源在昨晚告訴本報, Cashman的決定將不會受到任何外力的干涉, 這也說明了洋基球團並不擔心放棄Mattingly作為新任教練人選所可能帶來的衝擊。
The PR wounds from the Joe Torre parting still are fresh, and if the Yankees choose Girardi, Mattingly almost certainly would not agree to serve under him. Mattingly has stated that the only reason he came out of retirement and agreed to serve a coaching apprenticeship was to eventually manage in the Bronx.
Joe Torre的離去對洋基所帶來的負面影響還在, 而且如果洋基最終選擇Girardi, 也幾乎可以確定Mattingly將會因為不願意作為Girardi的手下而選擇離開, Mattingly已經不只一次說過, 讓他選擇放棄安逸的退休生活而復出擔任洋基教練團成員的唯一理由就是...他希望有一天能當上洋基總教練。
Once Cashman formally presents his recommendation to the Steinbrenner family, presumably today, a contract would have to be negotiated, which club sources said would probably take at least a day.
一旦Cashman在今天把他的推薦人選提交給Steinbrenner家族之後, 下一步工作將是合約的談判, 而這些工作至少要花去一天的時間。
Sources say none of the three candidates is talking about a huge-money deal such as the last two contracts Torre had.
消息來源指出, 三位候選人都沒有開出像Joe Torre上兩張合約般的高價。
The Yankees have conducted a thorough search since Torre rejected their one-year offer on Oct. 18, bringing Girardi, Mattingly and Peña to Tampa last week for day-long interviews.
自從Joe Torre在10月18日正式拒絕洋基所提出的一年合約之後, 球團方面就開始了一連串的面試工作, 分別和Girardi, Mattingly以及Peña進行了為期一天的談話。
In addition to getting the opinions of his baseball operations staff, Cashman has been indirectly soliciting thoughts from the Yanks' veteran players, including their pending free agents, and all are said to be fine with any of the three candidates.
除了參考球團中棒球事務專業人士的意見外, Cashman也透過各種方法探詢陣中老將對於新任總教練人選的想法, 而其中也包含了幾位合約問題尚未解決的球員, 所有曾針對此事表達意見的球員都表示, 三位候選人中無論是誰最終成為新任總教練, 他們都可以接受。
Although as of last night no one from the Yankees had requested permission from Bud Selig to make an announcement during the World Series, MLB acknowledged that it expected something to happen soon.
即便截自昨晚為止, 洋基球團方面並未針對在世界大賽期間宣佈新任總教練人選一事和大聯盟主席Bud Selig進行溝通, 但是聯盟方面對於洋基即將做出決定一事也早已有了心裡準備。
In recent days there have been recurring reports of a split among Yankee brass over Girardi and Mattingly, but last night two sources adamantly denied that. And on Friday, Hank Steinbrenner indicated that he and Cashman have been in agreement for days on a leading candidate.
過去幾天曾經有許多報導指出, 洋基內部有兩股勢力分別擁護Girardi和Mattingly, 但是昨晚我們所得到的消息卻完全否定這項傳言, Hank Steinbrenner表示他個人和Cashman對於最佳人選的想法早就已經達成了共識。
"This is a decision that is strictly going to be based on who everyone feels gives us the best chance to be in the playoffs next year," a source said.
"這個決定完全就看誰最有可能在明年球季帶領洋基打進季後賽," 一位消息人士指出。
"I can tell you at this point, the family and the baseball people are pretty much in agreement," Steinbrenner said Friday. "We are close, still a few details to work out and some more thinking on it. That's about it."
"我可以告訴你的是, 現階段我們家族成員和球團中的棒球事務專業人士, 已經就總教練人選一事達成基本共識," Hank在週五接受訪問時表示, "我們就快做出決定了, 現在就只剩下細節以及一些額外想法的討論, 就差這麼臨門一腳。"
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