[翻譯]Brain Game
Brain Game
Published : October 26, 2007 / New York Post
Brian Cashman is deciding a job, right now, and it is his as much as that of Yankees manager.
Brain Cashman正在考慮要聘用誰來擔任洋基總教練的職位, 一個關係他能否保住自己的飯碗的決定。
His superiors, notably Hank and Hal Steinbrenner and team president Randy Levine, did not like how they took the brunt of public criticism over the divorce from Joe Torre while Cashman mostly avoided blame.
他的頂頭上司 - Steinbrenner兄弟及球團總裁Randy Levine, 對於他們得為Torre選擇離開洋基而承受球迷責難、而Cashman卻似乎完全免疫一事感到相當不滿。
So Cashman's superiors have empowered him to pick the next manager with the understanding it will be rubber-stamped by the hierarchy. That leaves Cashman in a position of authority, but also a quandary.
因此Cashman的頂頭上司們決定把選擇新任總教練的責任交給他, 並且讓他為其決定承擔所有責任。這項決定給了Cashman極大的權力, 但壓力也排山倒海而來。
“My Dad, myself and Hal will make the decision," Hank said. “And we will rely heavily on our baseball guys."
"我們父子三人將會做出最後的決定," Hank表示, "球團中專業人士的建議將在此決定中佔有舉足輕重的地位。"
Cashman has long been viewed as favoring Joe Girardi and knowing George Steinbrenner has hoped to see Don Mattingly manage the team. So Cashman either has to go with his gut, which might mean defying The Boss' wishes, or make a decision he may not believe in wholeheartedly.
Cashman一向被認為偏愛Joe Girardi作為洋基的新任總教練, 但是球團老闆George Steinbrenner則傾向支持Don Mattingly, 因此Cashman當前所面臨的考驗是...他究竟要相信自己的直覺、違背老闆的喜好而選擇Girardi?還是要順從老闆的想法、去選擇一個他自己並非百分之百確定的人選(Mattingly)?
And with just one year left on his contract, Cashman could be making a selection that determines his fate, as well.
由於他自己和洋基的合約也僅剩下一年, 這也代表著Cashman現在所做出的決定將影響自己在洋基的命運。
This conundrum is the major reason why the process to name Torre's replacement has slowed considerably. There seemed momentum to make an announcement as early as today, in conjunction with a World Series off day. The Commissioner's Office did not want the Yanks to make an announcement of this magnitude at any time during the World Series, but probably would have allowed it. However, the Yanks never asked MLB officials for approval, leaving the impression Cashman is taking his time on such a vital decision - to himself and the organization - to churn through his options.
也因為如此, 洋基在尋找Joe Torre接班人的進度又更加緩慢了。原先曾經認為洋基球團最快有可能會在今天、也是世界大賽表定休兵日宣佈新教練人選, 大聯盟官方雖然反對這樣的做法, 認為這將會分散大眾對世界大賽的注意力, 但是一般認為若洋基執意要這樣做的話, 應該還是會得到主席辦公室的同意。最終, 洋基球團方面還是沒有及時提出名單給主席辦公室, 更讓人覺得Cashman並不想太快就這個關係他個人及球隊未來的決定做出定論, 他還想多花點時間評估。
“When we wrap it up, we wrap it up. There is no hurry," Hank Steinbrenner said outside Legends Field early last night after the latest marathon meeting session.
"等我們做出決定之後自然就會對外宣佈, 我們並不想太過草率," 昨晚結束馬拉松式會議後, Hank Steinbrenner在Legends Field接受訪問時這麼說道。
Later Hank said, “I want to think about it over the weekend."
Hank稍後又表示, "我想利用這個週末的時間好好考慮一下。"
A person close to Cashman said regardless of the other motives within the organization, Cashman felt as GM he should be making this choice, and he is unconcerned about how it impacts his job security. In fact, the source said the abuse Cashman took publicly early during the 2007 season as the Yankees struggled has emboldened him now. The Yanks recovered to make the playoffs with young players, who Cashman either helped bring to the organization or refused to trade, making a big difference. That, the source said, convinced Cashman to continue to trust his gut, ignore outside influences and be at peace with the results of his decisions, even if they lead to his dismissal.
一位親近Cashman的人士表示, Cashman個人覺得決定總教練人選是他作為球團總經理份內該做的事情, 不管這個決定是不是會影響到他的飯碗、或是球團高層是否別有用心才會要求他來做決定。那位消息人士也指出, 事實上, 今年球隊開低走高的表現, 讓Cashman對做決定這件事情更顯果斷有自信, 因為那些由他選進洋基、或是他拒絕作為交易籌碼的球員, 都對球隊做出了重大的貢獻, 這也讓Cashman更加認為應該要相信自己的直覺, 而不是人云亦云, 就算其決定最後可能會讓自己丟了飯碗, 他還是能夠用平常心去看待。
Cashman met with the Steinbrenners on the fourth floor of Legends Field for 2 ½ hours, but a decision wasn't reached. And though the discussions will continue today, they will be by phone because Cashman and Levine were scheduled to fly home last night.
昨天Cashman和Steinbrenner父子在Legends Field的四樓開了兩個半小時的會, 但還是無法做出決定。他們的討論將會持續到今天, 不過將是透過電話會議的方式, 因為Cashman和Levine都預計在昨晚搭機回到紐約。
Hank Steinbrenner predicted a decision would be reached prior to the end of the World Series.
Hank Steinbrenner認為他們應該能在世界大賽結束前做出決定。
“No question," Hank Steinbrenner said. “As far as when we will announce it, we will obviously honor the wishes of the commissioner. Bud (Selig) likes it to be on an off day. We can do what we want but we will do it on an off day."
"無論如何," Hank說道, "我們都會尊重主席的意見, 避開世界大賽比賽日、在表定休兵日對外宣佈我們的決定。"
Since the process started Monday when Girardi was interviewed and the brass has been around each other for countless hours every day, speculation started to swell that there was a split among the hierarchy. Yet according to Hank Steinbrenner that's not the case.
選擇新任總教練的流程由本週一和Girardi的面試揭開序幕, 所有參與決策的球團人士都為此花費了許多時間討論協商, 但是卻始終無法做出決定, 讓人不禁懷疑, 球團內部是不是出現了各層級間溝通不良的狀況。對此, Hank Steinbrenner的答案是否定的。
“We have a lot of brilliant baseball people, and they are taking it all in," Hank Steinbrenner said.
"我們球團中有許多傑出的專業人士, 他們將會竭盡所能地共同幫助球團做出正確決定," Hank說道。
Earlier in the day a report linked Girardi to the Los Angeles Dodgers if he didn't land the Yankees gig. However, for that to happen the Dodgers would have to eat Grady Little's $1 million salary for next year, and L.A. recently picked up an option for 2009.
有報導指出Girardi要是無法如願成為洋基新任總教練人選的話, 他將有可能接下道奇隊的兵符, 如果傳言屬實的話, 即便簽下Girardi, 道奇仍須支付Grady Little明年球季100萬美金的年薪, 而且道奇最近才剛選擇延長Grady Little的合約到2009年。
Even if the managerial situation isn't resolved by Tuesday, the Yankees will hold a second round of organizational meetings at Legends Field where the decisions on Alex Rodriguez, Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera will be on the table.
就算洋基最終無法在下週二(下一個世界大賽表定休兵日)前就總教練人選做出決定, 他們還是預計要在Legends Field展開下一階段的球團管理階層會議, 會議重點將會是討論Alex Rodriguez、Jorge Posada和Mariano Rivera的合約問題。
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Published : October 25, 2007 / The New York Times