[翻譯]When the Yankees Drop in at Tropicana Field, So Do the Fans
When the Yankees Drop in at Tropicana Field, So Do the Fans
Published : July 16, 2007 / The New York Times
If the Yankees and the Red Sox are searching for a new aspect of their rivalry to explore, they could look to their support in stadiums like Tropicana Field, a haven for opposing fans.
假如洋基和紅襪想尋找一個新的較勁舞台, 他們或許可以考慮來比比究竟那個球隊在Tropicana Field能吸引較多球迷進場, 這個魔鬼魚的主場可說是客隊的天堂。
The Tampa Bay Devil Rays drew 123,806 for a four-game series against the Yankees that ended Sunday. That number included sellouts Saturday and Sunday, the first consecutive sellouts at Tropicana Field in team history, and accounted for more than one-sixth of the total attendance at the stadium this year.
在於星期天結束的洋基和魔鬼魚四連戰期間, 總共吸引了123,806位球迷進場觀戰, 而週六和週日的兩場比賽更是門票販售一空, 這是Tropicana Field球場啟用以來首次出現連續兩場比賽滿場的記錄, 而進場的球迷數目更是超過了今年球季截自目前為止觀眾進場總數的1/6。
There have been only seven sellouts at Tropicana Field in the Devil Rays’ 10 seasons. Three of those have been in games that were not home openers, all of them against the Yankees.
啟用至今的10個球季間, Tropicana Field總共有7場比賽滿場的記錄, 其中3場並非球季開幕戰的比賽, 魔鬼魚的對手都是洋基。
Some of the spectators from Thursday to Sunday were Devil Rays fans, probably attracted to the star power of the Yankees. But the overwhelming chants of “Let’s go, Yan-kees!” and the standing ovations for Yankees pitchers made it clear that opposing fans were out in full force.
在過去四天進場的球迷中, 有些人的確是被陣中巨星雲集的洋基所吸引來看熱鬧的魔鬼魚球迷, 不過從球場中一面倒的"Let's go, Yan-kees!"的加油聲, 以及洋基先發投手離場時全場球迷起立鼓掌的場面看來, 這幾天的Tropicana Field簡直可說是洋基的主場。
“Every city we go to, we have our fans that find their way into the ballpark,” Yankees Manager Joe Torre said. “People move out of New York, but they never lose the fact that they were Yankee fans.”
"不管去到哪個城市比賽, 總會有我們的球迷出現在場中," 洋基總教練Joe Torre說道
"其中有些人是從紐約移居而去的, 即便他們不再住在紐約, 也從來沒有忘記自己是個洋基球迷。"
A factor in the prevalence of Yankees fans at Devil Rays games is the presence of the Yankees’ spring training facility in Tampa, about 20 miles from Tropicana Field. In the battle for fans at Tropicana Field, that could give the Yankees the edge over the Red Sox, who make their first trip to St. Petersburg this season for a three-game series beginning July 27.
洋基會在Tropicana Field有如此的"主場"優勢, 還有一個很重要的原因是洋基的春訓場地就在距離Tropicana Field僅有約20英里的不遠處, 這也讓洋基在和紅襪的Tropicana Field球迷爭奪戰中, 居於領先地位。紅襪將在本月27日首次造訪Tropicana Field和魔鬼魚進行三連戰。
Last season the Devil Rays averaged 24,690 fans in 10 games against Boston, and 27,387 in 9 games against the Yankees.
去年球季中, 魔鬼魚和紅襪隊的10場對戰平均吸引了24,690位球迷出席, 而和洋基的9場對戰則吸引了平均27,387位球迷進場觀戰。
“New York and Boston, they have probably more fans than anybody,” said Johnny Damon, a current Yankee and a former member of the Red Sox. “Florida’s a big melting pot. And plus, all of the superstars that are on both teams, people want to come out and see them.”
"洋基和紅襪, 可能是聯盟中擁有最多球迷的兩支球隊," 先後效力紅襪和洋基的Johnny Damon說道
"佛羅里達是個大熔爐, 又加上這兩支球隊陣中分別擁有許多明星球員, 更是吸引了不少球迷想要前來一探究竟。"
As the stadium gates opened before each game of the series, Yankees fans of all ages sprinted toward the team’s dugout and the third-base line, struggling for a glimpse, an autograph, a ball — something from a Yankee. The first-base line, with the Devil Rays’ dugout, looked bare.
每場賽前只要球場的大門一開, 就會有不分男女老少的洋基球迷衝到球員休息區和三壘線旁, 爭先恐後地想要多看球員幾眼、爭取簽名、拿到比賽用球或是任何來自洋基的紀念品的機會, 反觀一壘線旁的魔鬼魚休息區, 相較之下就冷清許多。
Fans also waited across the street from the Yankees’ team hotel, a resort about two miles from the stadium, then charged at the first sight of a team member.
球迷也會在距離球場約兩英里、洋基球員下榻的飯店外守候, 只為了能看到洋基球員一眼。
“We can’t really just hang out by the pool,” Damon said. “They have to whisk you away. It’s strange, because you always want to make yourself available for the fans. But at the hotel, when you have your family with you, it makes it pretty difficult.”
"我們就連在飯店游泳池畔放鬆一下的機會都沒有, " Damon說道
"他們(飯店工作人員)每次都得請我們離開, 對我來說, 這是個頗詭異的經驗, 因為我一直都希望能盡量增加和球迷接觸的機會, 不過在飯店中我多半是和家人在一起, 這就讓事情變得較為複雜了些。"
The Devil Rays average 15,623 fans at home games, worst in the majors and far behind their average road attendance of 27,211. The Yankees average 36,758 fans on the road, third behind the Red Sox and the Mets.
魔鬼魚在主場的比賽平均每場吸引15,623個球迷進場觀戰, 這不僅是全大聯盟最差的主場票房成績, 也遠遠不如魔鬼魚在客場作戰時平均27,211人進場的成績。洋基在客場作戰時則是平均吸引了36,758位球迷進場, 在聯盟中僅次於紅襪和大都會排名第三。
Devil Rays first baseman Carlos Peña and infielder Ty Wigginton said they did not mind the extra Yankees fans in attendance. For a team that played a midweek game against the Seattle Mariners in May in front of 8,440 people, more fans — of any team — are attractive.
魔鬼魚的Carlos Peña和Ty Wigginton表示, 他們並不會因為球場中有較多洋基球迷在場而感到不自在, 對這支在五月一場面對來訪的西雅圖水手隊的比賽中只吸引了8,440位球迷進場的球隊來說, 只要能讓更多球迷進場, 不管是否為主場球迷, 他們都十分樂見。
And the Yankees’ following is something a young franchise can aspire to obtain.
“Until you actually win on your own, that’s when you’re going to get your own fans coming in here and booing the other teams,” Devil Rays Manager Joe Maddon said. “That’s all coming upon us, to play well enough to flip the record in our favor, to get to the playoffs. When we do that, then the crowds will be for us.”
"直到你真的開始靠自己實力贏球的那天, 那也是球迷開始進場為你加油、然後對客場球隊發出噓聲的時候,"
魔鬼魚總教練Joe Maddon說道
"這就是我們目前最重要的課題, 試著打好球讓球隊戰績提升, 進而拿到季後賽門票, 只要我們能達到這個目標, 就能吸引球迷進場為我們加油。"
Although the Yankees draw fans wherever they go, road victories have been hard to come by this season. They are 45-44 over all and 19-26 on the road after winning three of four at Tampa Bay. The Red Sox are 55-36 and 25-20 on the road.
即便洋基不管到哪裡比賽都能吸引大量球迷進場為他們加油, 不過球隊今年的客場戰績還是不甚理想。在結束和魔鬼魚的四連戰並取得其中三場勝利後, 他們今年球季截自目前為止的客場戰績是19勝26敗, 而紅襪隊的成績則是25勝20敗。
But at Tropicana Field, whether the Yankees, the Red Sox or the Devil Rays win, there will probably be cheers.
在Tropicana Field中, 無論最終贏球的球隊是洋基、紅襪或是魔鬼魚, 我們聽到的都會是球迷的歡呼聲。