肚子餓的時候還是不要隨便逛New York Times的網頁...Mug Shot
我想應該很少有報紙可以超越The New York Times的吧
和The New York Times的網站比起來
其他紐約大報...尤其是New York Post和New York Daily News...
看那版面尺寸完全不適合在地鐵車廂中閱讀的The New York Times
也不惜重金禮聘任職於The New York Times的copy editor
對紐約人甚至是美國人來說...The New York Times不只是個成立時間超過150年的權威媒體
(不管是當初的Times Square...或是目前興建中由Renzo Piano操刀的 Times Company Headquarters)
雖然常被視為是古板保守的傳統媒體...甚至因此有了"Gray Lady"的暱稱
不過這也證明了她在紐約客心中無可取代的地位...newspaper of record in the U.S.
習慣性點下www.nytimes.com的我竟然不小心逛到了Style section的Dining & Wine
然後看到了這篇有點年紀的老文章...Mug Shot
雖然文中介紹的並非食物類...而是看似不起眼hot chocolate
但看完該文章後...我卻有馬上殺去meatpacking district的衝動...
這夢幻的hot chocolate實在太銷魂啦
原網頁還有充滿致命吸引力的hot chocolate製作影像檔...夠狠
Photo Credit : The New York Times
Mug Shots
Published: December 3, 2006
Make the season’s inevitable drama bearable with a cup of spiked hot chocolate.
The Hot Dominicana is an invention of the Double Seven, a meatpacking-district cocktail bar so obsessed with Debauve & Gallais chocolate — arguably the world’s finest (see Samurai Shopper) — that it is the only bar snack it serves. The drink is made by melting chocolate in hot milk, then mixing it with shots of Brugal rum (from the Dominican Republic) and Caffé Lolita coffee liqueur. The mixture is warmed with steam from a cappuccino machine and topped with heavy cream shaken to the consistency of French yogurt.
The sweetness of the rum and liqueur rounds out the bitterness of the dark chocolate. Sipping through a cool layer of cream only intensifies the experience. If an excursion to Debauve & Gallais’s Upper East Side boutique is too much of a detour, use any good-quality solid chocolate with at least 60 percent cocoa content. But make a point to stop by the Double Seven this winter for the real thing.
Hot Dominicana
Adapted From the Double Seven, serves 4
2 cups milk
10 ounces Debauve & Gallais 60 percent cocoa chocolate disks (62 1/2 disks, to be precise)
3 ounces Brugal rum
3 ounces Caffé Lolita coffee liqueur
3/4 cup heavy cream.
1. Scald milk in a saucepan over a medium-low flame and pour into a saucepan containing chocolate. Stir with a whisk over medium-low heat until chocolate has melted.
2. Add rum and coffee liqueur to a metal cocktail shaker and heat quickly with the steam nozzle of a cappuccino machine. (Or scald rum and coffee liqueur in a saucepan over a medium-high flame.)
3. Stir hot liquors into hot-chocolate mixture, then divide among four glasses. Shake cream in a squeeze bottle vigorously for 45 seconds (or beat in a bowl with a whisk for the same length of time), and gently pour into glasses so it sits on top. Optional: garnish with chocolate shavings.