[翻譯]Clemens Is Returning to the Yankees

Clemens Is Returning to the Yankees
Published : May 7, 2007 / The New York Times
The sun was shining, the Yankees were ahead during the seventh-inning stretch of their game against the Seattle Mariners and it seemed as if the day couldn't get any better. That's when the Yankees' public address announcer, Bob Sheppard, asked the 52,553 fans at Yankee Stadium to direct their attention to the owner's box behind home plate.
豔陽高照、主場的洋基在七局上半結束後領先來訪的西雅圖水手隊, 對球迷來說, 這可說是完美的一天。而就在此時, 球場播報員Bob Sheppard要求全場52,553位洋基球迷將注意力轉移到位在本壘後方的老闆包廂。
Roger Clemens was standing there, and suddenly the Yankees' season got a whole lot better.
當球迷把眼光轉向包廂時, 他們看到了Roger Clemens, 就在這個瞬間, 洋基的2007年球季看似充滿了無窮的可能性。
"It's a privilege to be back," Clemens told the crowd. "I'll be talking to you soon."
"我很榮幸能回到這裡," Clemens這麼跟觀眾說 "我們很快將會再度見面"
And just like that, Clemens became a Yankee.
就這樣, Clemens再度穿上了條紋球衣。
Details of the deal were not immediately available.
關於合約的細節部份, 雙方都尚未透露進一步的消息。
Clemens, a seven-time Cy Young Award winner, signed a minor league contract, the Yankees said in a press release. He is 44 years old.
Clemens, 現年44歲的七度Cy Young獎得主, 和洋基球團簽下一紙小聯盟合約。
George Steinbrenner, the Yankees' principal owner, said in a statement: "As I pledged just a few years ago, I will do everything within my power to support Brian Cashman, Joe Torre and this team as we fight to bring a 27th championship back to New York.
洋基的大老闆George Steinbrenner在聲明稿中指出 : "就如我幾年前所言, 我將盡全力支持Brian Cashman、Joe Torre和球隊, 一同為紐約拿下第27座世界大賽獎盃。"
"Roger is a winner and a champion, and he is someone who can be counted on to help make this season one that all Yankees fans can be proud of. The sole mission of this organization is to win a world championship."
"Roger是個天生贏家, 他可以幫助球隊讓今年球季成為足以讓所有洋基球迷引以自豪的球季, 對球團而言, 我們的目標只有一個...世界大賽冠軍。"
Clemens pitched for the Yankees from 1999 to 2003. His career record is 348-173 with a 3.10 earned run average and 4,604 strikeouts. He last pitched for the Houston Astros, when he went 7-6 with a 2.30 earned run average in 2006.
Clemens曾在1999到2003年球季間效力於洋基, 他的生涯成績為348勝173敗, 防禦率3.10, 並三振打者4,604人次。他在去年球季效力於休士頓太空人隊, 繳出了7勝6敗、2.30防禦率的成績。
Clemens, who was not available for immediate comment, joins a pitching staff that has been ravaged by injuries this season. Phil Hughes injured his hamstring Tuesday in Texas, and Jeff Karstens broke his right leg on April 28. Both players went on the disabled list, creating openings at the back of the rotation.
Clemens本人尚未對這項新聞做出回應, 不過可以確定的是, 他將加入目前飽受傷兵問題困擾的先發投手群。Phil Hughes在星期二於德州進行的比賽中拉傷了腿筋, Jeff Karstens則在4月28日比賽中右腿骨折, 這兩位投手目前都被列於傷兵名單中, 這也為Clemens的加入空出了位置。
Clemens's return had been rumored for weeks. But the Yankees gave no indication that his signing would be announced on Sunday.
火箭人回歸的流言已經流傳了好幾個星期, 不過在今天之前, 洋基球團方面並沒有顯露出任何即將簽下Clemens的徵兆。
Photo Credit : Gregory Bull/Associated Press
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